Emergency Spill Control & Training
Your spill responders are your most valuable asset in ensuring protection of your site and the environment from pollution incidents. As legislation changes and enhancements are made in spill prevention products it is critical that spill responders and environmental officers are aware of this. The effectiveness of your sites spill prevention strategy and response plan is greatly influenced by staff training.
Having spill kits and equipment is important but knowing how to use them is essential. Large scale fines and potential imprisonment by the Environment Agency for any pollution caused means that it is cost effective to have staff trained as your first level of environmental protection and intervention.
Investment in spill training assists towards ISO14001 and Investors in People, meets with regulations including Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG21) and Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) and forms part of your Pollution Incident Response Plan.
Don’t forget ‘The polluter always pays’.
Course duration approx 2 hours
A certificate of attendance is provided for all those attending for your records..