DSEAR Assessments
The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) came into force on 9th December 2002 and applies to workplaces in the majority of industrial and commercial sectors.
DSEAR provides for the protection against risks from fire, explosion and similar events arising from dangerous substances used or present in the workplace, and sets minimum requirements for the protection of workers from fire and explosion risks related to dangerous substances and potentially explosive atmospheres.
DSEAR is concerned with the harmful physical effects from thermal radiation (burns), over-pressure effects (blast injuries) and oxygen depletion effects (asphyxiation) arising from fire or explosions.
Our consultants are highly skilled and experienced in DSEAR assessments, they will work with you in understanding your business and the risks associated with it under the DSEAR regulations. Our services include an on site survey, detailed examination of your systems and working practices. On completion a detailed DSEAR report will be produced with an action plan included. The consultant will present the report and ensure its contents and any necessary recommended actions are fully understood.
The employer has the responsibilities for complying with DSEAR; and should ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken and that the measures identified by the risk assessment are implemented.