Incident Control


With businesses facing mounting pressure to comply with ever increasing demands from insurance companies coupled with changing legislation including COMAH and the Civil Contingencies Act 2002, organisations may require expert advice in the unfortunate event of having a fire or an emergency. Records indicate that over 75% of businesses will fail within one year following a major emergency if they are not prepared. Business continuity can be enhanced by preparation and training ensuring a return to near normal as soon as possible. Emergency Planning requires businesses to prepare for the all kinds of emergency incidents. Our team have personal experience of Incident Control and operational involvement with national disasters including the Bunsfield oil depot to National Flooding incidents. Delegates will have an understanding of the management issues involved in handling an emergency to satisfactorily mitigate the consequences to people, property and the environment.

• Also to have an understanding of the roles and duties of the Incident Control Team.
• The roles and duties of the emergency crews available on site.
• Firefighting equipment and site capability

The course content includes:-
• Principles of incident control
• The location and layout of incident rooms
• Setting up and opening an incident room
• Gathering information
• Sourcing equipment and resources
• Key players and their roles
• Roles of the different emergency services
• Dynamic risk assessing
• Human behaviour in an emergency
• Determining tactical and strategic actions
• The domino principle.
• Dynamic risk assessing continued
• Vapour Clouds
• Environmental Protection Methods
• On and off-site evacuation procedures
• Emergency communication procedures
• Recording of events
• Liaising with the media
• Dealing with relatives arriving on site
• Securing information and evidence
• Running down and closing an incident room

Course duration approx 1.5 days

A certificate of attendance is provided for all those attending for inclusion in your Fire Log Book.
IMC Fire Consultancy will carry out, on your behalf, any investigation following a fire or emergency incident at your premises and provide you with a full written report on the cause of the fire or incident.

Contact Us

07790 043431