Fire Warden Training


All UK businesses are responsible for ensuring their employees are correctly trained and meet The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 by law. By arranging for your employee's to take our Fire Warden Training or any of our other Fire Safety Training courses you are ensuring your compliance with current Fire Safety law.

Why choose IMC Fire Consultancy for your Fire Warden Training needs?
• Site specific courses tailor made to suit your company
• On Site Fire Safety Training, 1-to-1 or group training
• All our Fire Safety trainers have received training at the Fire Service Collage with years of experience
• Arranged on a day and time to suit your business
• Helpful support and advice both before and after your Fire Warden Training
• Refresher Fire Warden Training and Fire Safety Training courses

All good Emergency Plans will depend on staff knowing what to do in the event of a fire, and will almost certainly mean that some staff have a particular role or additional responsibilities. This may include specific duties in an evacuation, but it could also mean specific responsibilities for on-going safety or fire prevention.

These key people will be your Fire Wardens and in order to make this practice a reality you need to have proper fire warden training for these individuals to ensure they have the knowledge they need to carry out their duties as a Fire Warden.

Course duration approx 2- 2.5 hours

Who should attend –All employees

A certificate of attendance is provided for all those attending for inclusion in your Fire Log Book.

Contact Us

07790 043431